ATOMIC REDSTER X7i RevoShock C + M 12 GW Black 23/24

Kod: AASS03286/162 AASS03286/169 AASS03286/176 Wybierz wariant
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€928,64 –38 %
cq5dam.web.1200.1200 2023 11 20T232438.437
€928,64 –38 % €572,84
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Opis produktu jest dostępny wyłącznie w języku czeskim

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Narty zjazdowe Atomic
Gwarancja: 2 lata
Seks: Dla obu płci

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D Avatar of author Atomic Redster x7 versus X7i 4.2.2024 08:52
Hello, I am initially interested by the X7 but I would like to know the difference between these two skis. Also, is the X7i from previous years? Thanks very much for your time. Best regards David
AT Avatar of author 7.2.2024 10:42
Hello, these are the same skis. The difference is only in a different composition of wood and design. The series marked "i" is a limited edition. Dobrý den, jedná se o stejné lyže. Rozdíl je pouze v jiném složení dřeva a designu. Řada s označením "i" je limitovaná edice.